Monthly Archives: March 2008

I make a blog and then *poof*

Sorry, really. We all got the flu, staggering it off on different weeks of course so that it spanned the most time it could. Then it morphed into Strep which e found out about when I perforated my eardrum and had to go to the ER. So there is my signed note of absence. What got done during all that? Not much. Some books read by the Hatchlings, but mostly we were sick, and napped and then slept some more. Now that we are slowly climbing out of the sickness pit, there is a mountain of laundry Mt. Everest would be proud of, and lots of cleaning to do. I strapped on my laundry boots today but I didn’t last long. 4 loads folded and there are about 7 more to go. I would be worried about schooling, but the kids were on target to finish up in late April anyway, so if we go into May? *shrugs* So tomorrow we will start again. Fortunately for them,  Antibiotics make them recover twice as fast as I do so they are bouncing around BORED and I am still wanting to rest. I wish someone would bottle that energy they have. And now that I am SAYING that I am officially OLD. 


Filed under It Goes Like This, Life-or something like it